
QA Consultation


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QA Consultation

“QA Consultancy” is a service in which we provides expert advice and guidance to organizations on all aspects of quality assurance (QA) and testing. The goal of QA consultancy product is to help organizations improve the quality of their products and services and to ensure that they meet or exceed industry standards.

QA consultancy involves the following steps:

  1. Initial consultation: We will meet with the organization’s leadership team to understand their QA needs and goals
  2. Assessment: We will conduct an assessment of the organization’s current QA processes, tests frameworks, tests, tools, CI/CD, deployment process,QA knowledge gap, skills set and infrastructure,
  3. Recommendations: Based on the assessment, we will provide recommendations on how to improve the organization’s QA processes, tools, and infrastructure.
  4. Implementation: We will work with the organization to implement the recommended changes. This may involve training, process improvement, and the selection and implementation of new QA tools.
  5. Ongoing support: BestQ will provide ongoing support to the organization to ensure that the changes are sustained over time.

QA consultancy can be beneficial for organizations of all sizes and across all industries, as it can help them to improve the quality of their products and services, reduce the risk of defects, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction.

We helps organisation in identifying QA bottlenecks to improve the product quality and team productivity

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1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months


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